Arts & Craft
Art and Craft are like fun and games, it helps them to get creative, developing the right side of the brain.
Multimedia Class
Songs with motions help children practice fine- motor coordination. Doing finger plays like ‘five little monkeys’ helps children practice hand and finger control.
Yoga Class
Children spend most of their time shunting between homework and school-related extra-curricular activities. Yoga can help children deal with this pressure-cooker environment and infuse energy and confidence into their personalities.
Fun camps
This is a program that is conducted for a period of 15 days during the summer break. It helps the children to enable children to develop confidence, independence, social skills, leadership skills, and physical fitness.
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Donec a metus ut justo sodales eu hicula Sed dapibus justo sit amet justo maximus, ac eleifend
Donec a metus ut justo sodales euhicula Sed dapibus justo sit amet justo maximus, aceleifend